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Ryozeta's basic guide for grinding

Started by Niktout, Apr 08, 2022, 12:48 PM

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From Ryozeta:

Disclaimer: this comes mostly from my own personal experience. Apologies in advance if there's any mistakes!

1. Starter
Right now, Niktout server's max level is 999/120, but with our 1 million exp rate, reaching max level shouldn't take longer than a day. As long as you know where to grind, you wouldn't face any trouble in the way~

A couple of commands that can increase your playing experience:
@autoloot xx & @alootid +xx - A typical command in private servers. While you might be tempted to activate autoloot 100% all the time, it's not advised to do so since we have quite a high drop rate. Killing a couple dozens of mobs can easily fill up your bag until over 90% weight if you don't have a high STR yet. It's better to use the alootid command to only loot a certain item, and you can use RMS' item database to find out the id number of the item you want to loot

@go x - Use this command to go to cities or your memo point. To see the list of the available cities, simply type '@go' and press enter

@jump xx xx - Just spam this without any coordinates to save up inventory space for when you need to use fly wing. You can put this on one of your shortcut list (Alt+M)

@warp <map_name> xx xx - A very handy way to go to any particular maps that are not readily available from the Warper. Pretty handy if you want to go to maps like Dimensional Gap

/str+ xx - you can replace the str with any of the other 5 stats you want. This command will use up your free status point to increase that particular stat until you have gained that much stat, or you have ran out of status point. Pretty useful if you don't want to wear off your index fingers.

Also, make good use of the Mall area, accessible from the Mall Entrance NPC just a few steps to the south of Prontera's Warper. While items inside there are quite expensive, you can use the Gold Warper NPC near the Prontera Warper to move to a map full of Dokebi, where you can easily farm Gold (969)

Don't forget to check the Heal/Buff/Repair/More npc near the Prontera Warper to get a free Agi Up and Blessing!

2. Where to grind: 1-80

Right after you made your character, you can warp to Prontera (@go 0) and save your position on the nearby Kafra Employee. From there, you can use the Warper to go to any of these areas:
- Geffen Field 0
- Payon Field 1
- Payon Field 3
- Prontera Field 1

These maps have loads of easy mobs under lv 10 and no larger monster around. Put all of your status points into STR and kill one mob, go back to Prontera with the go command, take a 1st job, go to the field and kill another mob, then go back to Prontera again to take your 2nd job. Just one Poring should give enough to get you to over lv 70. As a bonus you can also take Chonchon Doll (742) and Emerald (721) for your starter money.

3. Where to grind: 60-110

After you have your 2nd job and you're over lv80, you can go to these map to grind until you can get your third job:
- Anthell 1
- Payon Dungeon 1
- Sunken Ship 1
- Beach Dungeon 3

The maps tend to have a lot of soft mobs lurking around the entrance for easy grinding, in particular the Anthell have a herd of eggs just waiting next to the entrance. You can keep killing these until you have enough skill points to take your first offensive skills in your third job.

4. Where to grind: 110-180

- Gold Warper

Now would be a good time to start farming some zeny to buy gears for further grinding. Dokebis have 5640 hp and Shadow 1 element, and they give enough exp until you are lv 180. If you're an archer or a bow shadow chaser, use silver arrows. Merchant classes can use holy cannonballs sold inside the Prontera weapon store. It might take a while to kill the Dokebis without any good weapon, but don't be quick to give up. Don't forget to use @alootid +969 so you don't miss the Gold bars! Once you have enough zeny, buy some gears from the Mall map. On this stage it is also a good idea to start getting normal cards necessary for your further grind.

Alternatively, you can go to Hidden Dungeon 3 to farm the Yggdrasil Berries (607) dropped from Baphomet Jr. there while still getting a decent exp for this range.

5. Where to grind: 170-300

At this range you have more freedom on where to grind. Depends on your class, you can go grind straight away in harder maps like Thor 3 or Abyss Lake 3, but for other classes that need more levels to survive there, I recommend these maps:
- Rachel Field 1
- Niflheim Field 1 or 2
- Glast Heim Chivalry 1

On later levels you can move onto Cursed Abbey 1 or Juperos Ruin 1. On these maps you can easily pull a huge number of mobs for fast experience gain.

6. Where to grind: 170-999

This is where things get fun! Thor 3 is a popular destination for grinding until lv 999. However, some classes might have some difficulty on handling the Kasa and Salamander, especially when there's a shiny one nearby. For that I recommend these maps:

- Abyss Lake 3, While monsters here have varied elements which makes it hard to pick just one particular element, they don't hit as hard as Kasa and Salamander. They may give less exp too, but it's very easy to pull up tons of them in one go. Definitely give this map a try if you have a reliable AoE skills.
- Scaraba Hole 3, Everything in this map have Earth element, except the eggs. While it's not the best option, it's a good alternative if you can't get a decent gear in time. Always use the fire converter or a fire weapon in this map.
- Cursed Abbey 3, This map is a perfect choice for Arc Bishop grinding until lv999. The roads here are fairly narrow, which make it easier to clump together the Necromancers and Banshees for you to spam Judex and ME onto. Just be sure to avoid the occasional Beelzebub.

And that's it! You are lv 999 now :D
As for what gears to get and what cards to use, I'll have to apologize again since I don't really know a lot about all the items in this game and such. You can always consult the irowiki pages for your class, or join us in the discord channel and ask the pros in there~

P.s. thanks to jhooon in Discord for reminding me about the Hidden Dungeon!

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