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[Guide] MVP Ladder

Started by Niktout, Apr 08, 2022, 12:54 PM

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From Ryozeta:

MVP Ladder is an instance dungeon where you and your party can face against 51 MVPs one at a time. The NPC to start it can be found at Prontera [162 171]. To enter, you need exactly 5 online members in your party. Also, you can't enter the MVP Ladder if there's another party inside it.

Defeating each MVPs will give the entire party 1 ygg berry each, and upon completion everyone will get 10 mora coins!

1. Recommended party setup and autoloot command

You need -at least- one sura and one support character to finish the ladder. The Sura mainly focus on dealing damage with tiger cannon and final combo, while the support character works to ensure the Sura stays alive and in proper shape. Other damage dealer classes such as RK, Genetic, and SC can be a secondary damage dealer, but at the current state Sura's tiger cannon is the best source of damage against MVP.

As for the support character, a Genetic is a must-have, or else the damage dealer will end up stripped and their weapon broken near the end of the ladder. You can try to cast fcp on the entire group before entering with a Genetic outside the party, but unless you can finish the entire ladder under 10 minutes without anyone dying, don't do this. A fully supportive Arc Bishop can also be very helpful in the ladder.

On @autoloot... Never, EVER, EVER, go into the ladder with 100% autoloot. That's a fast way to make sure your entire party member be overweight with items. On that note, please don't take literally everything on the ground. Only take items that you can be sure will be useful. Autoloot at 10% will automatically take all the MVP cards you may get, anymore than that won't be useful.

Here are some items you may want to consider putting inside your @alootid list:
607 - Ygg berries (some mvp drop this. good for extra pots)
12616 - S Grade Coin Bag (dropped by Bio 4 MVPs. May gives Seagod Anger)
2115 - Valkyrja's Shield
2421 - Valkyrie Shoes (to make heroic shoes in the quest shop)
2554 - Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb
1228 - Combat Knife (I heard this can be useful? Not sure)
2375/2374/2433 - Diabolus Armor/Robe/Shoes

2. Recommended quipment and cards

Weapon: Any crimson weapon that's suitable with your class, plus two Abysmal Knight cards (For even better damage, use Thanatos card. White Knight/Khalitzburg combo and Sealed Drake can also help)

Shield: Valkyrja's Shield with Alice Card. Platinum Shield dropped from sword guardian in thor dungeon can be a cheaper alternative. GTB card is not recommended, as the biggest source of damage from the MVPs tend to be physical damage.

Armor: Heroic armors from the quest shop with Tao Gunka card. Alternatively you can use RSX or Ghostring card. For cheaper alternative you can use Ebone Armor from Abysmal Knight

Garment: Fallen Angel Wing or Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb. For easy general use you may opt for Raydric card. I'd recommend Wakwak card for extra atk, or Deviling to further reduce neutral damage from MVP

Shoes: Enhanced Variant Shoes or slotted Temporal Vit Boots with Firelock Soldier card. You can use Boss Egnigem card instead once you get it.

As for headgears and accessories, they vary wildly between classes and what you're planning to do while inside the ladder. If you don't have any ideas for headgears, Victorious Coronet from the quest shop and the slotted sunglasses can work, while Diabolus Ring and Expert Ring can fill those acc slots until you get something better.

3. Consumable Items

Always carry some Ygg leaf, end of story. You will never know when you have to ress a party member immediately.

For hp and sp purposes, you can easily farm some Ygg berries from bapho jr inside prt_maze03. Take care not to carry too much.

Suras should also carry some elemental converters and cursed water to deal with the harder MVPs. Knowing the element of the MVPs and how to abuse it can absolutely make life easier for your entire party. You can buy these inside the mall area, check the npc at the bottom left edge.

It also a good idea to carry more than enough gemstones or any other catalysts for your skills. Please check your skill descriptions before going into the MVP ladder. It's not funny to have an Arc Bishop running around like headless chicken just because they ran out of blue gemstones.

As an extra, you can also carry some +20 stat food that Genetics can make. The complete ingredients for these food available for sale in NPC at the mall area.

4. MVP list

1. Eddga
2. Moonlight Flower
3. Phreeoni
4. Drake
5. Incantation Samurai
6. Doppelganger
7. Garm
8. Evil Snake Lord
9. Mistress
10. Orc lord
11. Orc Hero
12. Knight of Windstorm
13. Osiris
14. Ygnizem/Egnigem
15. Dark lord
16. Fallen Bishop
17. Baphomet
18. Maya
19. Atroce
20. Dracula
21. Bacsojin
22. Gopinch
23. RSX 0806
24. Amon Ra
25. Lady Tanee
26. Gloom Under Night
27. Detale
28. Pharaoh
29. Lord of the Death
30. Turtle General
31. Ktullanux
32. Beelzebub
33. Bio 3 - Currently Sniper Cecil
34. Memory of Thanatos
35. Valkyrie Randgris
36. Ifrit
37. Nidhoggur's Shadow
38. Boitata
39. Leak
40. Kraken
41. Vesper
42. Wounded Morocc
43. Tao Gunka
44. Paladin Randell
45. Professor Celia
46. Champion Chen
47. Stalker Gertie
48. Clown Alphoccio
49. GypsyTrentini
50. Creator Flamel

 5. Strat

While most of these MVPs are easy enough to kill once your party has enough damage, some may require extra care to deal with.

5.a. MVPs with reflect.

Kraken, Detale, Boitata, and Randell (and by extension all mini-Randell the other bio 4 MVP summons) all have the skill Shield Reflect, which returns a portion of damage they take back to the player who dealt it. This is very much 100% death sentence to all Suras. While it is possible to kill these MVPs before they even have a chance to cast the reflect, most of the time you'll have to deal with a dead Sura. It is important that all party member should revive each other as soon as possible. Don't just all line up to cast TC on a laughing Randell and have your party wiped out! If you are an Arc Bishop, please of please by name of whichever god you wish, cast ressurection and don't just ignore the dead party members.

Another way to deal with the reflect is with dispell from Sorcerer class, or for someone to auto-attack the MVP with a weapon carded with Randgris card.

5.b. Ressurections

I'll say this again: Always have a ygg leaf or ressurection ready on your shortcut at all time and use it whenever necessary. This goes even to the main damage dealer. It doesn't matter if your tiger cannon can deal 400 million damage in one punch, MVP Ladder is not something you can solo. Be mindful of your fellow party members!

5.c. Elements

A majority of the MVPs have elements, and most of the time it will be worth the effort to memorize them and use the appropriate element converter or cursed water to deal more damage to them. For instance, Memory of Thanatos. This MVP is a ghost 4 element, meaning it will take zero neutral damage. Be sure to remember to use any of the converter you have to be able to kill it. Also, remember to change the element of your weapon when the next MVP spawns. You can do this by using a different converter, or take off the weapon and re-equip it to revert back to neutral element.

For Arc Bishop players: even if you're not the damage dealer, it pays to be mindful of the element of the MVPs. Don't use Aspersio randomly on your party's damage dealer. The only one in the ladder that you should pay attention to is the Wounded Morocc, as it has a Shadow 4 element and needs to be killed ASAP.

5.d. Wounded Morocc

This little prick deserves a special mention thanks to one specific skill: Hell Power. It is a full-screen debuff that it will cast on 51%-60% hp, on you got it any ressurection skills won't have any effect on you when you died. The only way to dispell this debuff is to wait it to wear off. This can be a particularly big problem when you're dealing with Bio 4 MVPs down the line.

5.e. Creator Flamel and Champion Chen

I put these two together because they both have the same defining trait: they will absolutely 1-hit everyone who has not prepared specifically to deal with them. It is very much possible to kill them in 1 tiger cannon before they could do anything, but it won't hurt to take some precaution.

There are two ways to deal with these MVPs, 1) you can have a Sura with Deviling garment (with horn card when dealing with Flamel) and have them cast mental strength, and wait until the MVP is busy with them before you start attacking, or 2) as a Sura, as soon as you see the MVP, cast a pneuma or safety wall somewhere between you and the MVP, relocate into it, and cast tiger cannon as soon as the MVP walks in range. In general, Bio 4 MVPs will try to cast one or two skills before they summon their mobs (which will inevitably include Randell), this should give you enough time to hit them as hard as you can without worrying about reflect. With the appropriate element converter and good enough weapon, you will be able to 1-hit most of these things before they can do anything.

Also an interesting note Chen's Asura Strike and Flamel's Acid Demonstration both have 10 second delay.

And that's it...! If you have any questions or you see something wrong in here, please reply to this thread or send a message to me via Discord. Have fun~

Be a good citizen. Don't AFK while partying~


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