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Skills 101 - How not to lose skill points

Started by Tita, Apr 10, 2022, 08:53 PM

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The steps required to prevent skill point loss are different for chronicle class skill points and the non-chronicle. Here I'll write down for both of them. It's all essentially on the same vein: You need to log off so that the server can save your skill point investment information.

A. Non-chronicle skill points
This includes all skill points from job 1-1, expert, and technical.
Step 1: Learn whatever skills you want and however many levels you like from them
Step 2: Relog before you do anything else

Note: You may need to wait for a minute or two before logging off after you learned your skills. Also, refrain from learning new skills while you're in the middle of a party or busy with something, as it may make you forgot to relog after taking the skills. Why? Because, if you neglected to relog and the server is restarted or some other still unknown factor happens and you are kicked off the game, by the time you logged back into the game, you will lose both the skills and the skill points you invested.

B. Chronicle skill points
Step 1: Calm down
Step 2: Learn the skills that you want to take, but only 1 level
Step 3: Relog
Step 4: Take more levels in the skill that you have learned on step 2
Step 5: Relog before you do anything else

Note: Again, you may need to wait for a minute or two before logging off after you learned your skills. Chronicle skills are different in that after you learned them in lv 1, the skills will appear both on the tab for chronicle and job 1-1. You could actually invest points from either 1-1 or chronicle tab into them, but you will lose those skill points right after you relog. It doesn't matter how many levels of any particular skill you take, be it level 2, 3 or even 5, if you fail to relog after learning them at level 1, the next time you relog all chronicle skills will be reverted back to level 1. Hence, you need to relog twice for chronicle skills.

Extra: You can spend three silver medals to the Bad Merchant NPC in the middle of Uptown for a skill or stat reset. The skill reset potion will only return the skill points currently existing on your character. You will not get back all of your skill points if you already lost some. For an example, let's say you have 10 free skill points and two skills at level 5. After using this reset, you will have 24 free skill points (or 8 big red dots) instead of the normal 50 (or 16 big red dots and two small ones)

You can farm silver medals by killing orange guttinger in LT for some copper medals then converting those to the guard on North Cape (10 copper for 1 silver), or you can try kill thunder king and hell king


Addition for other players.

Losing 2-1 or 2-2 job skill points upon reincarnating.
There's also this bug where you'll lose the skill points you've used on your last job before reincarnating.
If you reincarnate on 2-2 job, for example on Bard job. Then the skill points you've used on bard job might be gone when you reincarnate.

To prevent this, reset your skills before you reincarnate.
Remember, don't take any skills after your reset until you reincarnate.

How to reset?
> Change your job on Sage Master's house (using forbidden book) once again. For example, necro back to cabal -> don't take any skills on cabal.
> Reset from the npc in Sorcerer's Room (North Promenade City) if you haven't used it. It's free but one time only. Only spellusers can get there, but any jobs can possess a spelluser to get in and get a free reset.
> Reset from the Bad Merchant npc in Uptown, by paying 3 silver medals (as Ryozeta have mentioned before).


Thanks Ryozeta for providing this. I hope this'll help people from losing skill pts.

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