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Progression: Route to level 100/Veteran/Expert~

Started by Niktout, Apr 19, 2024, 05:38 AM

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Hi guys,

- Road to level 100/Veteran:
- Just a small guide on how to reach lvl 100/Vet as fast as possible in about 20~48 days depending on how much you can AFK grind with the current server settings:

- Ideally start with 2 Musketeer & 1 Scout or replace 1 musketeer with a fighter to use pistol stances if you don't like having the same RNPC twice.
- Use the free Koko pet for autoloot while you AFK.
- Make sure you +6 your Crescemento Weapons & Armors from Idge.
- Use various + % race damage through weapon enchant from Ana and if you get decent gears of same levels or elite level gears, make you to get +2-+3 DR on them as they'll be better than Crescemento gears until a certain level.

- Follow the story quests until Auch, use your exp cards on your 3 main characters, once you reach Coimbra, get Bernelli lvl 40 ASAP to replace one of your current DPS hero as she'll carry you all the time with her Shotgun Stance that spread damage over multiple monsters and replace your 2nd Muskeeter by Brunie lvl 40.

- You will be underlevel (level 18~) to take on Tetra Dungeon thus lack AR to deal with monsters so you may grind a few levels in Tetra Hill with Demon % enchant on your weapons or grind in Jezebel Glen with Bernilli/Scout/Brunie with human/wild life enchant.

- Tetra Dungeon: You might want to grind in there until level 40, use any over upgraded armor/weapon especially if you find Elites that will make your life easier.

- Porto Bello: Go 1 map before Porto Bello the Hold to afk grind in a safe spot until you reach level 60+ with undead enchant, you may want to get Rio RNPC from Auch as he starts at level 60 and is easy to obtain to replace your 3rd char, you can easily level his stances up.

- Rion Dungeon: Around level 52~60 and if you have elites weapons eventually, get + wild % damage and go afk inside Rion Dungeon Hollow as you will get a TON of experience and loots of which you'll surely get all the elites level 68 gears you need for most chars and that you can use up to level 84~92.
Stay at this place until you reach level 68~72 or push to 80 as it's faster than Torsche's Mansion.

- Torsche's Mansion: Once you are level 68+ fully gears with elite 68 DR+3 and weapons with lifeless enchant, you can cruise Torsche's mansion story quests and unlock the 2nd floor if you want.
You can easily AFK grind until level 80+ or alternatively you can AFK grind at Pradera de Ceniza with Wild % Enchant.

- Jaquin Dungeon: You should be able to complete the last story quests from Auch located in Jaquin Dungeon and then afk grind in a safe spot with % lifeless enchant to kill monsters faster and afk there for a few days from level 80 (ideally 84 with elites) until you reach level 100 to then be promoted to Veteran and then be able to go to Bahamar from Coimbra.

- By the time you reach level 60 and gotten most RNPCs obtainable up to Auch, you should have reach Family level 10!

- AFK Grind from level 72 to level 100 Suggestions:
- At level 72, move from Rion to Jaquin, The Morhgus to AFK grind until 84~92 as the mob density is pretty good.
- At 84~88, ONLY IF you've gotten elite weapons level 84 to get AR 49~50 then move to Jaquin, Shivarliere as the mob density is also high until you reach level 100.

- Note: Rio's Minstrel stance can hit multiple targets.
- Note 2: It's up to you if you want to use Claude lvl 60, Emilia lvl 40 or another Obtainable RNPC up to Coimbra to fast forward story quests.
- Note 3: Once Vet and at the same spot in Jaquin, you can get about 1.85% exp per hour with only Bernilli as DPS in your team.
- Note 4: Still in Vet but at Ancient Skull Dungeon, you can get 3.3~3.6%/hour exp with 2 dps like Bernilli and Cannon Shooter Claire which you can obtain at the end of Bahamar Story Quests from Veteran Character Summon Stone.

- Road to Level 110/Expert:(To be completed)
- By the time you've completed Bahamar Story Quests, you should be Veteran level 2 50%~.
- To write: Do any story quests that are open to Veteran Promotion to get lots of XP with many XP cards and then grind until you get to Expert Level.

Note: If you only grind 24/7 without doing the above and be in the ideal map with ideal gears, you may need a minimum of 13 days to reach Expert level with your main 3 chars.

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